February 28, 2011

like a bear..

favorite song at the moment:

it's like a bear that woke up way before spring,
surprised how winter steals everything.
or a captain who never made it to sea,
with his anchor in his hand and water to his knees.
he's got his head in his hands and sand in his teeth.

so raise your glass all you broken hearted
the liar calls to the thief.
and pass the bread the bold man said
as we ate with the king.
it's like a soldier that's stuck in a terrible war
who never really knew what he was fighting for
or if he'll make it home to tell the tales.
with the guns, and bombs, and bullets, and shells,
or the bodies that fall by the grace of hell.

so raise your glass all you broken hearted
the liar calls to the thief.
and pass the bread the poor man said
as we ate with the king.

so if you've got a shovel, then i've got a hole
that looks more like a grave, as i lose control.
we'll fall so fast, from the skies.
cause we're sinners and saints, you and i.
mostly sinners not saints, you and i.
like a bear : carter hulsey