August 31, 2011

moats & boats & waterfalls..

alleyways & payphone calls,
i've been everywhere with you.
home, let me come home..
home is wherever i'm with you.
i'm in the need for a change.
i'm having a crazy feeling that i want to cut my hair
keep it long?
OR cut it short like this again?!
i've been trying to grow my hair out forever..
now it's finally long.
someone please talk me out of it!
on another note.. 
i have a serious addiction to pinterest.
home : edward sharpe &  the magnetic zeros


Anonymous said...

Your hair is super cute short. However you can do more with your hair long. I don't think I'm going to be any help.

Nick and Terryn said...

I love love your short hair, but long is cute too! I sometimes think that short hair looks more done-if you know what I mean. Maybe you would like a change and keep it dye it a fun color? just an idea!

Chloe Alexandra said...

Keep it long!! I think it looks so cute, Kenz.